first aid pro brisbane

Brisbane's #1 in First Aid Courses

Brisbane's #1 in Nationally Accredited First Aid Courses

Price Match Policy- We'll beat our competitors by 12%!

Prefer us? Not a Problem!

We’ll Price Match. Call us to “Book and Pay”. It’s easy!

Book with Confidence

Price Match Guarantee means we match any genuine training providers advertised price!

Brisbane First Aid provides Nationally Accredited high quality, world-class training across Queensland and Australia.

How do I claim?

1) Simply provide us with another training provider’s advertised price you’ve found and the source of the advertised offer such as website, leaflet or flyer, simply call us on 08 7120 2570 and ask us to match the price for your chosen course.

2) We will verify the offer and double-check the course type, location, date, and price at the time of booking.

3) Book in Similar Course. The claimed similar course must possess the same qualification as the following:

  • Valid at our Brisbane CBD and Logan Training rooms
  • Full payment required at the time of the booking process
  • Our regular cancellation and refund policies still apply
  • Simply call our friendly customer service team on 08 7120 2570 during regular working hours to book and claim your price match with your preferred First Aid Training Provider, Brisbane First Aid.


Discount vouchers and special deals from the deal websites like Groupon, Living Social, etc. are not valid.