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CPR for Infants

If you’re in an emergency, CALL 000 

The guide below is for use on infants. 

You can find our specific guides on CPR for children 1-8, adults and children over 8, and pregnancy, HERE.


The information below does NOT replace first aid training. If you haven’t been certified in first aid and CPR, we highly recommend doing so before attempting to administer CPR. 

Before Beginning CPR

Make sure you follow the DRSABCD action plan. This ensures you perform the vital steps necessary before beginning CPR.
DRSABCD CPR for Infants

How to perform CPR on an infant:

After following the DRSABCD steps, if you deem it necessary, begin CPR.

1. Put two fingers in the centre of the baby’s chest.
2. Push straight down by 1/3 the depth of their chest.
3. Release the pressure. Complete this 30 times at a rate of 100-120 per minute.
CPR for Infants step 1

After 30 compressions, give 2 rescue breaths.

4. Hold the baby’s head and create a seal around their nose and mouth.
5. Give two strong breaths. Look for the chest to rise and fall between each.
6. If their chest does not rise, make sure the seal is tight, the infant is in the correct position, and their airway is clear.

When to stop CPR

Only stop CPR if one of the following occurs:
  • The infant’s breathing returns to normal
  • It is impossible to continue
  • A health care professional takes over
  • The situation becomes too dangerous to continue.

If the infant starts breathing

Cradle the infant in your arms with their head tilted downwards, in the infant recovery position.

Interested in more information?

Download our printable guide for infant CPR.
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