Responding to emergencies is one of the most significant things you can learn in a first aid class. In the event of an emergency, you will have the skills and knowledge to deliver potentially lifesaving assistance.
Although many undertake a first aid course as a part of safety practice, these skills are invaluable in everyday situations.
There are plenty of reasons to learn first aid, but there are a lot of misconceptions and false information that are available online. As such, we have put together a helpful guide responding to the most frequently asked questions in a first aid class.
But first, what is First aid?
First Aid Definition
First aid is the first and immediate care given to a person who is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. The aim of first aid is to minimise injury, prevent deterioration, and, in severe cases, keep the victim alive.
When you understand various lifesaving procedures, you will gain the ability to help those in need.
Through a first-aid class, you will learn how to respond in specific situations where you can step up and help while waiting for a medical professional to arrive,
First aid gives the best opportunity for a positive outcome. It also allows you to change someone else’s life for the better.
3 FAQs In A First Aid Class
How Often Should You Renew First Aid?
Safe Work Australia (SWA) First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice recommends Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) be refreshed and renewed every 12 months. While Provide First Aid Training should be completed every three years.
Renewing certification in a first aid class, as recommended, will ensure that you will be up to date on changes or new knowledge related to first aid care.
What Does The Course Involve?
Provide first aid include a mixture of theory and practical learning where students will be taught basic and in-depth basic first aid procedure. It will cover topics such as how to examine a casualty, how to use a defibrillator, trauma and bleeding management, and more.
These are skills necessary to overcome potentially life-threatening situations long enough for an ambulance to arrive on the scene.
Why Get Training From An RTO?
By taking a fully accredited course from a trusted RTO, you will be assured that you will experiencethe best teaching standards in line with current protocols.
Getting trained by a registered provider is the recommended choice for those serious about learning first aid. Upon course completion, you will receive accreditation or a first-aid certificate.
Performing First Aid: When Is Consent Implied?
Many of us have the instinct to provide emergency assistance when witnessing an emergency. However, some remain hesitant to intervene because of the fear of legal complications. In this scenario, it is important to understand the concept of consent.
In order to provide first aid, the responder will need to ask permission or consent from the victim. That is called expressed consent if the person can communicate clearly and ask for help.
When the victim is unable to provide expressed content, the responder will then rely on implied consent. This happens when the victim is unconscious or may suffer serious injuries preventing them from asking for help.
Get Trained
In many cases, the performance of first aid can help stop a minor situation from getting worse. In the case of a medical emergency, the initial care provided might even save a life.
Taking a first aid class is a perfect opportunity to learn skills and procedures that assist in everyday living.
At First Aid Pro, you can choose the type of learning suitable for your learning style and scheduling needs. We currently offer three learning modes– in-person, online, and blended learning.
For years, we have prepared Australians to respond to emergencies of all sizes – from everyday injuries to larger disasters. Join the thousands of students we train every year to learn the skills that can save a life.
Ready to sign up for a first aid class? Go to our course page and register for our upcoming courses.