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6 Common Health Risks In Women

Health Risks

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Some health risks that are common across all genders can affect women differently. Although there are similarities in symptoms, the effect of the condition and the immediate care necessary can differ significantly in women.

Recent studies allow a better understanding of the difference between the health needs of men and women. The truth is that the biological makeup impacts a person’s predisposition to particular health concerns.

Here, we explore some of the most prevalent health risks impacting women and what we can do to manage the risks.

Facts On Women’s Health

Women’s bodies go through significant changes throughout life, leading to several health concerns for varying age groups. During physiological changes, women are more susceptible to both physical and mental health issues.

Women are affected by several conditions and diseases similar to men, but these often affect them differently at different times.

There are also many gender-specific diseases that mainly affect women.

The top killer of women is cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is responsible for one-third of female-related deaths every year. CVD is often overlooked because health experts once thought it was purely a “man’s disease.”

Late recognition and treatment for cardiovascular disease can result in heart attacks, stroke, and arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm).

Among CVD are many conditions that present most frequently in women. Below we discuss eight illnesses that pose considerable health risks.

Women’s Top 6 Health Risks

Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for women. It is because the condition goes undiagnosed often to the point that it is too late.

The hallmark symptoms of this condition include chest pain, shoulder ache, nausea, vomiting, or shortness of breath.


Stroke affects 18,000 women in Australia every year. The condition is known to either two types: hemorrhagic or ischemic.

Hemorrhagic stroke refers to any bleeding in the brain, while ischemic occurs when there is a blockage in the blood vessels interrupting blood flow in the body.

Although symptoms may vary depending on the cause, the common symptoms of stroke include speech difficulty, vision problems, sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body.  


Cancer kills thousands of women in Australia every year. The types of cancers that affect the said gender include skin cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer.

Breast cancer affects about 20,640 Australian women per year, but the survival rate is high if it is diagnosed early. It is followed by lung cancer, which is almost caused by first or secondhand cigarette smoking.

Osteoarthritis (Osteoporosis)

Women tend to experience osteoporosis symptoms during the aging process, such as intense back pain, hunchbacks, and frailty.

Millions of women suffer from this condition which causes their bones to become weak and fragile. It affects older women the most as their bones tend to break more easily.

Be mindful of the hip, spine, and wrist areas as they are most susceptible to breaks and fractures.

On the other hand, Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. The symptoms associated with it include joint pain, muscle stiffness, and swelling.

The condition affects millions of people in Australia and seems to affect more women than men.

Maternal Health Issues

The woman’s body changes significantly during pregnancy which can bring up several health issues, including iron-deficiency anemia, high blood pressure, and anemia.

It is best to have any existing condition under control before planning to conceive, especially for those living with cardiac disorders and neurological issues. Discuss a pregnancy plan with the physician and work out the best solution to avoid endangering both mother and child.

Mental Health

Research suggests that older women are at higher risk of developing mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.

Depression ranks the first common mental illness for women and is a leading cause of death for those under 60.

Promoting awareness and encouraging treatment of these several mental health problems is vital.


Women have unique health issues, and while some of them affect both genders, they can vary in severity when it comes to women.

The good news is many conditions and diseases affecting women are preventable through treatment and certain lifestyle changes. Healthy living practices can reduce a woman’s risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, mental disorder, and some types of cancer.

If you’re looking for more ways to stay on top of your health, consider getting a first aid course.

Learn how to recognize various injuries and illnesses affecting women and provide first aid treatment when necessary.

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